I meet my friends at the airport and after a good
night’s sleep we head south out of town. We catch a glimpse of Mount Etna but
save taking a closer look at the volcano for later. Our first stop as a
threesome is the Baroque town of Noto. The buildings are very ornate with lots
of curlicues, swirls and mythical figures. Fascinating but after a while
somewhat overwhelming.

We then head for Syracuse, which oozes of history. It
was established in the 13th century BC and later became the cradle
of Greek civilisation in Sicily. Do you remember Archimedes? The brainy guy who
lowered himself into the bathtub and noticed that his body displaced the water
in an amount equal to the mass of his body? This scientific genius of the
ancient world came from Syracuse.
Syracuse is also famous for its large Greek amphitheatre that offers
beautiful views of the town and the sea.

After the impressive architecture and ancient ruins of
Noto and Syracuse, we need a nature fix, so we drive to a nearby bird
sanctuary, where we spot lots of flamingos and herons.